Income based housing for people who need it in Twin Falls and Jerome.
The public housing program was established to provide decent and safe, affordable rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities at rents they can afford.

Building a better life starts with a stable environment
The eligibility criteria
There are five eligibility requirements for admission to public housing: qualifies as a family, has an income within the income limits, meets citizenship/eligible immigrant criteria, provides documentation of Social Security numbers, and signs consent authorization documents. In addition to the eligibility criteria, families must also meet the Twin Falls Housing Authority screening criteria in order to be admitted to public housing.
If your application meets the initial eligibility criteria listed above, you will be placed on the wait list. As the application nears to top of the wait list, the Housing Authority will contact you to initiate the final eligibility process, which requires updating income and asset information, along with checking your references to make sure you and your family can reasonably be expected to uphold compliance with the public housing lease. Admission will be denied to any applicant whose habits and practices may be expected to have a detrimental effect on other tenants or on the apartment complex's environment.
Income Eligibility: The family’s annual income must be within 80% of the median income for the area to qualify as low income. Annual income is the total income from all sources received from each additional member of the family 18 years of age or older.
Twin Falls County Income Limits
Number of people in the family
Maximum annual income
Household Size | Max Annual Income |
One | $46,050 |
Two | $52,600 |
Three | $59,200 |
Four | $65,750 |
Five | $71,050 |
Six | $76,300 |
Seven | $81,550 |
Eight | $86,800 |
Jerome County Income Limits
Number of people in the family
Maximum annual income
Household Size | Max Annual Income |
One | $43,350 |
Two | $49,550 |
Three | $55,750 |
Four | $61,900 |
Five | $66,900 |
Six | $71,850 |
Seven | $76,800 |
Eight | $81,750 |